Thursday, October 06, 2011

As part of research for Mapping Manchester and our future book I was looking for a copy of a most striking panoramic view of the docks from the Illustrated London News that I had seen reproduced in Douglas Farnie's book on the ship canal. Over the summer I managed to track down an original copy in the collection of Chetham's Library (many thanks to Michael Powell for his help in this matter). I managed to arrange for the panorama to be digitised and am happy to share a version in pdf format.

"How the sea has been brought to Manchester: A panorama of theManchester ship canal - A great engineering feat that cost £15,000,000 and connected the city directly with the Atlantic."
Illustrated London News
, 2nd May 1925. (Courtesy of Chetham's Library.)

We also plan to feature H.W. Brewer's lovely bird's-eye view of Manchester in our forthcoming Mapping Manchester book. The original was published in The Graphic newspaper in 1889 and is now quite a collector's piece, selling for hundreds of pounds.
